Our story

Supercharging water for healthy lives

The Waimin is a world-first, developed in New Zealand, which is home to some of the world's cleanest and purest natural water sources.

Our vision is to provide premium, healthy, great-tasting water that has the vital qualities of water from natural springs and aquifers. And to deliver that with ease, flowing straight from the tap in your home or workplace.

Our water remineralising system is designed to re-energise filtered drinking water with essential minerals for optimum health. The Waimin delivers water that we believe is more refreshing, better for you and tastes better too. To top it off, we supercharge the water with a frequency for positive vibrations.

Positive vibrations, powered by Tesla

We have harnessed Tesla technology to charge the water that flows from the Waimin with positive vibrations. The Waimin copper-encased Tesla coil has Shungite crystals said to guard against electromagnetic frequencies (EMF).

Water, our life force.

We believe we owe it to ourselves to have an accessible, abundant supply of drinking and cooking water that is pure, and as close to the water that flows from natural springs and aquifers. The Waimin is inspired by the work of Masaru Emoto along with the philosophies of Goethe and Rudolf Steiner. They believed in the energetic qualities of water and how this can impact on ourselves. You can read more about their work here.

Water that treads lightly

At Waimin, we're committed to operating sustainably with a low carbon footprint. Because Waimin delivers home based refilling from the tap, we're helping to reduce bottled water purchases and playing our part to remove plastic from the earth's landfills.

Healthy hydration and good vibes

Waimin founder, Mike Tait, has a long and successful history operating a leading water filtration service throughout New Zealand. He's gathered a team of passionate experts to develop a water remineralising system that adds real health and lifestyle benefits to families around the world. The quest began in 2011 when Mike envisioned a system to deliver healthier water for all and deliver the essence of spring water to your tap. The Waimin team spent many years exploring the technology and undertook an extensive research and development programme in conjunction with New Zealand's AUT Auckland University of Technology, and with assistance from Victoria University of Wellington and a group of engineers from around the world. The Waimin launched in New Zealand in 2023 and is delivering healthy, happy hydration to people around the world.

Our head office is in Hong Kong and we distribute the Waimin throughout international markets including Asia-Pacific, the Americas and more. Waimin products can be purchased directly online and through water filtration retailers. We welcome dealer enquiries.

Go with the good flow

Shop Waimin now for great tasting water, energised for life.